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Kumovi: The Sacred Bond of Godparenthood in Serbian Orthodox Tradition

In Serbian Orthodox tradition, the role of kum (godparent) is one of the most revered and cherished relationships. It is deeply woven into the spiritual and social fabric of life. More than just a ceremonial title, being a kum carries profound religious, cultural, and familial significance that lasts a lifetime.

The Spiritual Role of a Kum

In Serbian Orthodoxy, a kum is chosen to be the godparent at a child’s baptism. The kum acts as a spiritual guardian, taking responsibility for the child’s Christian upbringing. The kum speaks on behalf of the infant, recites the Creed, and renounces Satan, symbolizing a commitment to guide the child in faith. This relationship is not limited to childhood but continues throughout life, with the kum serving as a mentor in matters of faith and moral living.

The role of kumstvo (godparenthood) is taken seriously. The Church teaches that a godparent should be a practicing Orthodox Christian capable of providing spiritual guidance. Traditionally, a person cannot serve as a godparent unless they are Orthodox, as the responsibility involves raising the child in the Orthodox faith.

Kumstvo as a Sacred Bond

Serbs often say, “Bog na nebu, kum na zemlji”—”God in heaven, the kum on earth.” This saying reflects the deep respect for godparents. The bond between a kum and their godchild is so sacred that it establishes a form of spiritual kinship, akin to family ties.

In fact, kumstvo extends beyond baptism. A kum is often chosen to serve as the best man or maid of honor at a wedding, further strengthening the connection between families. Traditionally, the same kum who baptizes a child also officiates at their wedding, reinforcing the lifelong spiritual bond.

The Cultural and Social Role of Kumstvo

Beyond the church, kumstvo plays a central role in Serbian social life. Kumovi (the plural of kum) are commonly treated as part of the family, sharing mutual respect and obligations. Serbian families often exchange gifts with their kumovi on special occasions and stay closely involved in each other’s lives.

Choosing a kum is an important decision. Traditionally, families pass down this role through generations, strengthening the bonds between households. Once someone becomes a kum, they are considered part of the family lineage, and their descendants are even prohibited from intermarrying.

The Role of Kuma

While the term kum is often used broadly, its female counterpart, kuma, is also significant. The kuma plays a vital role in the spiritual upbringing of her godchild and, like the godfather, is highly esteemed in many Serbian families. The kuma may also take on additional roles in weddings and family celebrations.

Modern Challenges and Preserving Tradition

In today’s world, where secular influences and interfaith marriages are increasingly common, some Serbian Orthodox families struggle to uphold the traditional role of kumstvo. Nevertheless, many still view it as a sacred duty and strive to maintain its spiritual significance.

For Orthodox Christians, choosing a kum should arise from faith and commitment rather than social convenience. A good kum or kuma is someone who remains present, offering spiritual guidance and support throughout life.


Kumstvo in the Serbian Orthodox tradition transcends a mere religious formality—it symbolizes a profound spiritual connection that unites families and strengthens the faith of generations. Whether through baptism or marriage, the kum plays an essential role in guiding, supporting, and mentoring their godchild. As a valued tradition, kumstvo remains a fundamental aspect of Serbian Orthodox identity, reinforcing the bonds of faith, family, and community.

Honoring Kumovi – Join Us for Kumovi Day!

To celebrate the sacred role of kumovi in our faith and community, our church is hosting Kumovi Day on Sunday, March 23. A special luncheon will follow the Divine Liturgy at the St. George Hall. We warmly invite all kumovi and their families to join us for this joyful occasion.

To reserve your table, please get in touch with the church office at 219-333-3355. We look forward to celebrating this beloved tradition together!

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