Youth Ministry

Now days it is very difficult and almost impossible to motivate high school students to take active participation in the life of the Church. Born and raised in a digital culture, the young people of today seek a different kind of truth, outside of the Bible and Christian religious systems. This truth, according to some primarily revolves around their ability to be a part of particular social networking systems.

The pressure of the secular-high pace society to “be always in touch and available” is greater than ever. Our children who are born and raised Orthodox are not spared from it.  It is therefore our obligation and goal to disperse all confusion and doubts that many young children might have about the world we live in, about the church community in which we worship, and about the social systems that surround us.

The educational approach to youth ministry cannot include only the rhetoric about the Christianity nor just in-depth study of important historical and biblical facts. Rather, it needs to include direct invitation, constant motivation and good listening, with the hope that these methods will produce active and voluntary participation in the saving ministry of Jesus Christ.  

At our parish we try to minister to young people by bridging the gap between the Church and everyday life. Besides many activities in which our youth group actively participate, there is a great need to expand their educational horizons through diverse discussion gatherings. One type of such a gathering is organized on Friday nights from September through June. Led by father Radovan, these interactive discussions are a valuable asset in fostering our youth’s understanding of the Church’s views on important contemporary issues. Our young people consider this educational activity to be an excellent occasion for learning, fellowship and socializing.